Interaction ACTION!

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I have about 950 followers [it varies from day-to-day].

I follow 640 people.

How many of the people who follow me and that I follow do I regularly interact with? Probably only about 30.

So what are the other people for? Why are they there? This is something I have really been thinking about lately. There are all these people following me and that I’m following that I rarely interact with or have never actually interacted with. I think this needs to change.

These people follow me for a reason and I follow people for a reason and I need to interact with them more and start engaging in some real conversations with people who are interested in me.

Through my interactions with people I have honestly come to find new friends on Twitter and I regard them as my friends. I love talking to other people, sharing opinions and learning from others. I’m actually planning to meet up with some other PR students I’ve met from #prstudchat #prssa #pr20chat #u30pro at the upcoming PRSSA National Conference in Washington D.C. and I can’t wait!

I’m really looking forward to engaging and interacting with more of my followers and people I’m following. I love tweeting with the people I regularly tweet with almost everyday but variety is always good!

My new goal: Interact with at least ONE new person a day! I really want to start engaging more people I’m following and people following me.

Best way to meet new people: join up a chat! see my post: “Have an interest? There’s a chat for that” at

Another good way to meet people is to talk about different things. Sure I love to tweet about PR, social media and marketing, but I also tweet about cooking, my dogs, celeb gossip and more. Don’t be afraid to switch it up!

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14 thoughts on “Interaction ACTION!

  1. One of the things I’ve recently begun is when somebody follows me I check out their webpage, and if I can, contribute a blog comment to get the ball rolling. Sometimes that seems to be more meaningful than a generic “thanks for the follow”.

    What surprises me is the number who don’t reply to @messages. It’s weird, but if I go to a page and it’s just a bunch of links and not a single @ message then I don’t followback. Yet there are a bunch out there who are like this and have thousands of followers. Probably all passive with no interaction. It’s a shame!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I totally know what you mean about not following back people who do not engage other people. I don’t follow people who dont have any @ messages and just have links. Engagement is so important!

      I love your idea about checking out people’s webpages and blogs, it’s important to support each other! I need to start doing that more. Thanks for the idea :]

  2. One of the things I’ve recently begun is when somebody follows me I check out their webpage, and if I can, contribute a blog comment to get the ball rolling. Sometimes that seems to be more meaningful than a generic “thanks for the follow”.
    What surprises me is the number who don’t reply to @messages. It’s weird, but if I go to a page and it’s just a bunch of links and not a single @ message then I don’t followback. Yet there are a bunch out there who are like this and have thousands of followers. Probably all passive with no interaction. It’s a shame!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I totally know what you mean about not following back people who do not engage other people. I don’t follow people who dont have any @ messages and just have links. Engagement is so important!
      I love your idea about checking out people’s webpages and blogs, it’s important to support each other! I need to start doing that more. Thanks for the idea :]

  3. Funny, I was talking to a partner about this last week about taking the time to get to know our followers. We interact with the “regulars,” but what about the loose followers? They’ve obviously followed for a reason/some interest – it’s up to us to engage, influence & convert! Love the blog – keep it up! (We met 2nite on blogchat @KBCSolutions)

    1. Thank you for your comment! I am really trying to interact with more of my followers and not just the “regulars” because all my followers need some attention because, like you said, they followed me for a reason! Thanks for following up with me after #blogchat!

  4. Funny, I was talking to a partner about this last week about taking the time to get to know our followers. We interact with the “regulars,” but what about the loose followers? They’ve obviously followed for a reason/some interest – it’s up to us to engage, influence & convert! Love the blog – keep it up! (We met 2nite on blogchat @KBCSolutions)

    1. Thank you for your comment! I am really trying to interact with more of my followers and not just the “regulars” because all my followers need some attention because, like you said, they followed me for a reason! Thanks for following up with me after #blogchat!

  5. You made a great point!!! I have recently had new followers on Twitter and I should be communicating and building my network with these people. Some have over 50,000 followers and I wonder how did they find me or why did thy even follow me. I’m grateful for the follow but I should talk to new people everyday. I liked this article.

    1. Thanks so much for checking out my blog! Let’s both work on engaging more people every day! I know I need to work on better communication with my followers and especially new followers.

  6. You made a great point!!! I have recently had new followers on Twitter and I should be communicating and building my network with these people. Some have over 50,000 followers and I wonder how did they find me or why did thy even follow me. I’m grateful for the follow but I should talk to new people everyday. I liked this article.

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